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Friends, today we will talk about Intellectual property. Basically, it is any creativity for example, trademark, and copyrights, patent which can be registered. Our goal in making this video is to help an individual be aware of all the legal parameters of business so that he can better understand his legal issues.
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Friends, we will talk about trademark in our video. Trademark is registered in Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan). In Pakistan, Trademark registry is under the rules and regulations of Federal Government and Trademark Ordinance 2001. This body acts under IPO as a civil court. The head office of trademark registry is located in Karachi.
What is Trademark?
Trade = Business
Mark = Product/ Services that marks your identity.
For example, any brand or sign with a logo design, any font based or signature can be registered under trademark.
Benefits of Trademark.
If your trademark is registered, you will get in security in the entire country. If your business is in Karachi or Islamabad, no one can copy your brand in entire Pakistan.
It will be easy to sell license or franchise.
You get a legal cover after trademark registration which is a proof that you are the legal owner of given trademark. If someone copies your brand, you can stop them by your business name. This protection is given after registering in Trademark Ordinance 2001. If you are doing a business and it isn’t registered, in case of any dispute, you will have to prove that you are its legal owner and you are likely to lose your business. If your brand is not registered, you do not have the ownership of it as well. Not registering your business is the same as not having a national identity card. If in case you do not have your ID and someone asks for your identification, what will you do?
Who can get trademark registered and what is its procedure?
Trademark can be registered by any individual, AOP partnership firm, Private Limited Company or any limited company. For example Evolution is consultancy providing company, Novice is a pharmacy, Riwayat is a restaurant and Acson is an electronic company and like this any brand can be registered.
Normally, it takes 12 to 18 months to register a trademark. But, once you file an application, you are given a number after which you can add tm to your brand. Once you are given the certificate, you can use sign of R with your name.
Steps of Trademark Registration:
File an application for trademark search in trademark registry office by filling form TM 55 and presenting your logo design. This gives us an idea if the given design or a similar design is already registered or not. If no similarity is found you can move to next step. If similarity is found, you have to file an application again for search.
Submit application form TM 1 or TM2 as it applies to your registration. There are a total of 45 classes of TM which are given in the video description. You will have to find out in which class will your trademark get registered. Along with your application, you will need 8 clear copies of trademark, a demand draft/pay order in favor of Director General IPO Pakistan and required documents. For an individual, it is just a copy of NIC and for a firm or company it includes all legal documents needs to be submitted. Once application is submitted you will receive an acknowledgment in next 15 days.
Within 3 months of application filed, trademark registry office holds an examination. In case of an objection, a notice is issued. The answer to that notice needs to be given 2 months of its issuance. In case you fail to reply, the trademark application is rejected.
In cases of no objection or if objection is cleared, you will be issued an acceptance letter.
Finally your trademark is published in monthly digital journal. Trademark journal is present on IPO Pakistan website.
If there is any objection against any journal published brand, form TM 5 or Tm 8 can be filled and investigation can be started. In defence of investigation TM 6 or TM 9 which ever applies, against opposition notice can be filed.
If there is no objection within 2 months of journal publication, you can apply for trademark final registration via form TM 11. Trademark certificate is valid for 10 years.
Trademark registration fee and form links are given in the description below. Also, if you need services of evolution business consultants, you can email or call us. Our professionals are there to help you.
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